Austrian FPO politician pied in Vienna

This article was taken from "der Standard" one of austrias daily newspapers.  For your information: the Freedom Party (FPO) is a extreme right wing party and is part of a government coalition with the austrian people's party (ovp). Joerg Haider the leader of the FPO became "famous" for saying "the third reich had a very good employment policy" and for speaking and openly supporting austrian SS veterans.  Over the last few months austria some of the biggest protests in its history (and a lot of police intimidation against activists) against the government. 

The leader of the FPO-Vienna was pied in the face with a chocolate

On Tuesday (April 18) Hilmar Kabas, the leader of vienna's FPO party was attacked by an unknown man while he was giving a TV-interview for the program "the Report" on the Favoritenstraþe (street name). The man attacked him from behind with a chocolate cake.  FPO secretary Michael Kreiþl said it was a violent interruption.  Kabas himself said in an interview: " The man approached me from behind and pressed the cake into my face with full force. I was seeing stars." After the attack Kabas said
he was suffering from headaches and had problems with his eyes. A doctor will look after him on Wednesday.  "I have headache because the man really hit the cake very hard in my face."  The Austrian Broadcasting Corporation (ORF) was interviewing Kabas at an information event of the FPO in a pedestrian zone when the incident occurred.  The culprit escaped. "This was lucky for him he would have been beaten up really badly if he would have been caught." said Kabas who said that the people in the area were on his side.  But, he said, it should not be too difficult to find the man, who is about 25 years old, since the ORF camera was filming the whole time.  when and if the ORF will broadcast the incident is still being



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