autonome a.f.r.i.k.a.-gruppe/Luther Blissett/Sonja Brünzels: 

Handbook of Communication Guerilla

  • How to ruin a government politician's talking event? 
  • What chances for subtle and effective interventions offer the bureaucratic heaps of paper within the administration? 
  • Which possibilities open up within the context of elections, at representative state-events or against ordinary, daily racism? 
The Handbook of Communication Guerilla describes principles, methods, techniques and practices, groups and actions, which intervene in social processes of communication. Communication doesn't refer only to mass media, but includes the face-to-face communication of daily life. The book was written with the intention to link political practice and the development of theory, instead of playing off one against the other. Starting point was the question, why left-wing "counter-public" often remains unheard, when it tries to make its positions public. Firstly, the handbook develops a concept of politics, which doesn't restrict itself to declarations in clear and usual forms of militancy. Rather, it describes stunning, funny and unforseeable means - means that have long been part of left-wing-politics, but have been rather underestimated. Secondly, the handbook describes people and groups, who are somehow linked to communication guerilla: from dada and the situationists to the "Büro fuer ungewöhnliche Maßnahmen (office for unusual measures)", Billboard Liberation Front, Barbie Liberation Organisation, Adbusters, Yippies, or the KPD/RZ. Earlier political movements are not just understood as failed efforts, their history is seen as a starting-point for the continuous development of left-wing politics. Tirdly, the handbook provides short descriptions of communication guerilla's activities, which illustrate their politics and will stimulate those who are planning their own activities. Forthly, the handbook of communication guerilla is a reference book and provides an overview of names, adresses and actions of communication-guerilleras. 

Everybody, who is interested in the structure of communication, and especially those, who want to use methods of the communication guerilla themselves, will find useful and feasible hints. 

In German language:

"Handbuch der Komunikationsguerilla". 
ISBN 3-922611-64-8 Verlag Libertäre Assoziation 
ISBN 3-924737-38-X Schwarze Risse/Rote Strasse 
appr. 240 pages, DM 29,80,-/sFr 27,50/219 S 

For the press: review copies are available from 

Verlag Libertäre Assoziation, 
Lindenallee 72, 
D-20259 Hamburg, 
Tel./Fax: 0049 40 4393666 
Verlag der Buchläden, Schwarze Risse, Gneisenaustrasse 2a, 
D-10961 Berlin, 
Tel.: 0049 30 6928779, 
fax: 0049 30 6919463

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